Curriculum Vitae

Andrew R. Guffey

Curriculum Vitae


2014                          Ph.D.
                                  Religious Studies:  Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity
                                  The University of Virginia

                                  Dissertation Title:  "Unseeing the Shown, Showing the Unseen: John's Apocalypse and the Visual Culture of Ancient Asia Minor."

2005                          Th.M.
                                  New Testament
                                  Princeton Theological Seminary

2004                          M.Div.
                                  Candler School of Theology
                                  Emory University

2001                          B.A.
                                  Religion, Music
                                  Coe College

Professional Appointments:

2014                          Adjunct Instructor
                                  The Evening School of Theology
                                  Virginia Theological Seminary

2013                          Adjunct Instructor
                                  Department of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion
                                  The University of Mary Washington

2006                          Adjunct Instructor
                                  Office of Extended Learning
                                  Iowa Wesleyan College


 Book Chapters and Articles:

"Motivations for Encratite Practices in Early Christian Literature," Journal of Theological Studies 65.2 (October, 2014 [forthcoming])

"Apocalypse Ellipsis:  A Response to Smythe," in Karl Barth in Conversation (Travis McMaken and David Congdon, eds.; Eugene, Or.:  Wipf & Stock)

Book Reviews:

2014 (forthcoming)
Review of Laszlo Gallusz, The Throne Motif in the Book of Revelation (London/New York:  T&T Clark, 2013), in Review of Biblical Literature.

2014 (forthcoming)
Review of C. L. Seow, Job 1-21:  Interpretation and Commentary (Illuminations; Grand Rapids, Mich.:  Eerdmans, 2013), in Journal of the American Oriental Society.

2014 (forthcoming)
Review of W. G. Campbell, Reading Revelation:  A Thematic Approach (Cambridge:  James Clarke & Co., 2012), in Modern Believing.

Review of Colleen Shantz and Rodney A. Werline, eds., Experientia, Volume 2:  Linking Text and Experience (Atlanta:  Society of Biblical Literature, 2012), in Review of Biblical Literature.

Review of Gesa Thiessen, Theological Aesthetics: A Reader (Grand Rapids, Mich.:  Eerdmans, 2005), in Princeton Theological Review, 36: 103.

Online Publications:

Hans Urs von Balthasar Blog Conference 2008

Karl Barth Blog Conference 2007

Karl Barth Blog Conference 2007

Invited Lectures:

"The Book of Revelation and the Art of Asia Minor"
Leidecker Center for Asian Studies
University of Mary Washington
March 18, 2013

Conference Papers:

"Experiencing the Divine in John's Apocalypse:  Image, Body, and Medium"
Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
November 23-26, 2013

"Job and the 'Mystic's Solution' to Theodicy:  Paideia and Internalized Apocalypticism in the Testament of Job"
Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
November 16-20, 2012

"The Apocalypse and Aesthetics"
Garrett-Evangelical Student Theological Conference
April 24-25, 2009

"The Drama of Death:  The Wages of Sin as Ontological Event"
Garrett-Evangelical Student Theological Conference
April 18-19, 2008

Departmental Talks:

"The Throne of Satan, the Throne of God, and the Great Altar of Pergamon"
Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity Colloquium
University of Virginia
October 24, 2013


Awards and Honors:

Skinner Scholarship, St. Paul’s Memorial Church (Charlottesville, Virginia), 2010-2014.
Presidential Fellowship, University of Virginia, 2009-2014.
American Bible Society Award, Candler School of Theology, 2004.
Dean’s Award academic scholarship, Candler School of Theology, 2001-2004.
B.A. magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Kappa Lambda, Mortar Board Society, Coe College, 2001.

Teaching Experience:

Virginia Theological Seminary: 

Found in Translation:  How Words Inform (Instructor of Record, Fall 2014)

Beginning New Testament Greek (Teaching Assistant; Fall 2012; 32 enrolled)

Academic Writing Tutor (2012-2015)

University of Mary Washington:

Studies in Suffering and Evil (Instructor of Record; Spring 2013; 29 enrolled)

Introduction to Christian Theology (Instructor of Record; Spring 2013; 36 enrolled)

University of Virginia:

Religious Life and Thought in America Since 1865 (Teaching Assistant; Spring 2012; 58 enrolled in three sections)

Introduction to Hebrew Bible (Teaching Assistant; Fall 2011; 43 enrolled over three sections)

Introduction to Hebrew Bible (Teaching Assistant; Spring 2011; 45 enrolled over three sections)

Introduction to New Testament and Early Christianity (Teaching Assistant; Fall 2010; 50 enrolled in three sections)

Iowa Wesleyan College:

Religion in Western Civilization (Instructor of Record; Fall 2006; 19 enrolled)

Religion in Western Civilization (Instructor of Record; Summer 2006; 9 enrolled)



Greek (Attic, Hellenistic, Patristic)
Hebrew (Classical and Rabbinic)
German (Reading)
French (Reading)
Spanish (Reading)

Professional Affiliations:

The Society of Biblical Literature
The American Academy of Religion
North American Patristics Society
The American Institute of Archaeology

1 comment:

George Armstrong said...

Andrew I have been greatly intrigued by your blog. I'm a theologian (of sorts) from New Zealand (Princeton PhD 1973), a teacher at St John's Theological College Auckland most of my working life (I'm 82 years of age). In particular I was struck by your account of Farrer's "A Rebirth of Images" and your enthusiasm for Tolkien and for the movie "As in Heaven". I've had a lot to do with Maori and am deeply interested in our Maori/Pakeha relations in this extraordinary country of ours. Enough. Hope to hear from you. I have a pretty weird amateurish sort of facebook page, address "George Armstrong".